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Massage room


Close your eyes and surrender to the moment. Feel the gentle touch of my fingers as they caress your muscles, soothing away the tension that's built up within you. With each stroke, let yourself sink deeper into relaxation, allowing me to not only release the knots in your body but also soothe your soul. Together, we'll embark on a sensual journey, exploring every inch of your being until you shiver with delight at the release of all your stress. Just let go and trust in the power of our connection to bring you to a state of blissful tranquility


Brisbane only


Incall & Outcall

1 Hour ---300AUD

1.5 Hours --- 500AUD/ 650AUD

2 Hours ---600AUD/ 700AUD

3 HOURS ---1000AUD/ 1100AUD

Additional hours --- 300AUD

Overnight --- Please Enquire


*interstate extra $100 per hour

*after hour booking extra $200


Extra $$$

* Nuru




Exclusive Experience

Dinner Date

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